Have you ever thought how great it would be if you could control the weather with a touch of a button? Think about it, you could make it rain when you sleep, you could have a constant temperature when you're awake, tone it down if you’re playing a sport. There would be no more droughts or floods it would be sensational.
So we are stuck with a little of the unknown but adds a little fun when planning what to wear or should we have that dinner party inside or out. But at least we have control over the weather inside the house. Since the invention of air conditioning, we have been able to control the weather inside, and that has had some far-reaching and unexpected effects and how fantastic it is.
Rain and Zero degrees outside, no problem turn up the heat and you can be running around the house in your shorts and t-shirt. Hotter than the Sahara? No problem turn the dial the Opposite way and boom you can be needing a jumper and socks if you desire.
It had nothing to do with making our lives easier, warm in winter and cool in summer was not part of the plan back in 1902. You see back in the day a Printing Company was really struggling with humidity levels in their factory making it hard for Ink to be printed in Color.
They needed a solution as the humidity was costing them a fortune in wastage, so they contacted a local Engineering firm and asked them to find a solution. The Company had a young engineer and he came up with a solution, his name might be familiar. Willis Carrier discovered a way to fix the Companies humidity issues.
The system he made went on to solve the problems of many Factories, they were not really concerned about making it more comfortable for their workers but as time went on Air Conditioning became more prevalent in the office and home not just in a printing factory.