You must wonder how some marketers come up with a name for a product, if I asked you what do think a DRED is? If you don’t know you might be saying, ‘Don’t know but it sounds bad” I mean would you DREAD using it?
Ok, enough suspense, it’s not meant to be “dread” – it is meant to be the acronym D R E D. What does DRED stand for? “Demand Response Enabling Device”, Sounds good but what does it do?
Let me explain. The demand for electricity on the Gold Coast varies during a day, with peaks in the morning when families are getting ready to go to school and work, and particularly so in the late afternoon to evening when families get home, whack on the air conditioner at full rate, and get something to eat and relax in front of the TV.
Power infrastructure can mostly cope with such variations, but sometimes there are extreme peaks of demands or “spikes” when a particularly sweltering day occurs and which of course needs to be catered for if power outages are to be avoided.
Now it’s VERY interesting that the duration of these spikes has been measured at around a few hours, and only for a few days per year. This means that the capacity of power generation is under-utilized for a lot of the time and leads to the view “Why build more power stations – why not find a way around the problem?”
Ok, so are you all up to speed on DRED? Let’s move on to our next point Peak Smart.
What is Peak Smart air-conditioning?
Peak Smart air-conditioning helps reduce peak demand by dropping your air-conditioner into a lower performance mode when the network is under stress. We call this a Peak Smart event. You can buy a new Peak Smart air-conditioner.
The signal receiver on your air-conditioner will get a 'message' from the network, telling it there is pressure on the network. When this occurs, your air-conditioner will operate similarly to the economy setting.
Now that we have explained all that, what’s the next step for you? Well, the best thing? Give us a call at Multicool
Air Conditioning Company on the Gold Coast
as we have DRED and Peak smart technology and needs and all the new
Air Conditioning
equipment and how Energex works with it totally understood and can easily explain.
So if you’re on the Gold Coast have an Air-conditioning need give the team at
a call.